Minutes of meeting on October 12, 2021
President: Andy Andresen, 563-505-8956
Vice President: Walter Phillips, 850-941-0892
Secretary: Pegge Phillips, 850-941-0892
Treasurer: George Levy, 850-607-6261
Architectural Control Committee: George Levy, Acting Chair (until a volunteer comes forward)
The meeting was called to order via Zoom (due to COVID-19) at 7:05 pm by President Andy Andresen. Family members represented were: Andresens, Armstrongs, Flores, Hillers, Levys, Phillips and Grace.
A motion was made by Pegge Phillips to waive the reading of the Minutes of July 13, 2021 since they were posted
on Next Door Lake Estelle and Also, you can always go back to previous minutes to reference some issue discussed at any time. Seconded by George Levy. Minutes accepted as published by all present.
Treasurer’s Third Quarter Summary Report:
$12,272.17 Beginning Balance 07/01/2021
- 1,396.60 Less Expenses
+ 0 Deposits
$10,875.57 Ending Balance 09/30/2021
Vice President Report:
No report
Architectural Committee:
No report. Present Architectural members are Gettys Allen, Robert Armstrong and Jannie Hixon and we are hoping one of you will volunteer to chair this position. Call any of our Board members listed above.
We also still need volunteers for the Welcome/Brevement Committee, and Beautification Committee. Please consider volunteering for one of these positions. They take very little of your time.
Fence Repair:
Power washing and replacement of the old and new fence pickets continues. Due to lack of volunteers, President Andy Andresen, Treasurer George Levy and Landscaper Jon Pelonia are the only manpower we have so the process is slow. If you would like to help, please contact any of our Board with phone numbers listed above.
R.V. Park:
For those interested in the progression of the proposed building of the new R.V. Park addition that backs Lake Estelle area behind the north end of Lillie Lane, Langford Court and Howard Dean Drive, the following are links to information when something is submitted and/or added to the Development Review Committee (DRC) of Escambia Country agenda:
The DRC process is explained in this document: 0
Point of Contact:
Development Services Department
Andrew D. Holmer
Division Manager
3363 West Park Place
Pensacola, FL 32505
850-595-3481 Fax
At this point there is nothing new to report. No permits have yet been pulled. A surveyor was on site a week ago briefly but nothing has been submitted that we are aware of.
Trees along Front Fence:
Some of the larger trees behind the fence we are repairing at the entrance to Lake Estelle need to be removed. They are pushing out the fence. Andy, George and Jon Pelonia will target these trees and get a couple of bids. The smaller trees we may be able to remove ourselves.
Front Entrance Sign Repair:
The front entrance Lake Estelle sign is the first thing anyone driving into our subdivision sees, and it is tired and needs a facelift. The stucco is peeling and soon we will need to make repairs and paint. George is putting out a request for qualified contractors to contact him and give bids on the project.
Night Lights at the Front Entrance Sign:
Mary Ann Flores asked if the lights at the front entrance could be adjusted, and shrubs trimmed to reveal the Lake Estelle lettering. We are happy to report that this has just been done.
Curb Appeal:
Most of our homeowners are very diligent about having their front lawns mowed, driveways and curbs edged, and shrubs trimmed which keeps our standards at a level our subdivision enjoys.
Yard Sale:
We had an inquiry as to having a yard sale, but with winter approaching it was decided to push it out to spring, sometime in April, when the weather is more cooperating. More on this in our January 2022 meeting.
The dues for 2022 will remain the same: $60.00 a year, or if paid before January 31, 2022, $50.00. Invoices will be mailed to each homeowner around mid to late December.
There being no further business, Walter Phillips made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Tyrone Grace. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.
The next meeting will be held on Zoom at on January 11, 2022, at 7:00 PM if COVID is still active. If the situation changes, venue of next meeting will be posted in Next Door Lake Estelle.
Submitted by,
Pegge Phillips, Secretary