2023 January Minutes



Minutes of meeting on January 18, 2023


President:  Andy Andresen, 563-505-8956

Vice President:  Walter Phillips, 850-941-0892

Secretary:  Pegge Phillips, 850-941-0892

Treasurer:  George Levy, 850-607-6261

Architectural Control Committee:  George Levy, Temporary Acting Chair


New Committee Chairs:


Welcome/Brevement:  Beth Swanson

Decorations:  Larry & Linda Hixon, and Carlotta Majewski


Committee Chairs still needed:


R,V. Park chair:  Chair is now open again


Yard Sale:

Architectural Control Committee:




The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Andy Andresen at Coach-N-Four restaurant.  Meeting was attended by nine Homeowners.




Motion was made to waive reading of the October 2022 meeting minutes by George Levy, second by Walter Phillips.  They can be found online at www.lakeestellehoa.com.




Treasurer’s Fourth Quarter 2022 Summary Report:

$11,934.41       Beginning Balance       10/01/2022

+   4,000.00      Deposits

-   3,374.48      Less Expenses


$12,559.93      Ending Balance             12/30/2022  (End of Fourth Quarter/End of Year 2022)


Vice President Report:  No report.


Architectural Committee:  No report.


Welcome/Brevement Committee:  No report.


Decoration Committee:   No report.  (Committee Chairpersons absent)



Volunteers:  We still need a few more Chairs to be filled:  R.V. Park, Beautification Committee, Yard Sale Committee and Architectural Committee.  Please consider volunteering for one of these positions.  They take very little of your time.




Front Entrance Sign Repair:

Front entrance sign painting project is still on hold (until the weather is warmer).   Front sign has been power washed and all loose stucco peeled and chipped off.  Looking for volunteers to repaint when weather cooperates.  Call any of our Board members to sign up.  Once this is complete, we ask that no one put hooks into the stucco.


Fence Repair:

Still need roots cut near fence line, brush cleared and trees trimmed.  $2,000.00 is already allocated for this project.  Andy will contact Jon Pelonia, our landscaper, first.  If he is unable to do it we will solicit bids.


R.V. Park:

Committee chair still needed.  Until there seems to be more interest in pursuing this matter, it will be tabled.


Snowball Derby Follow-up:

Our front area strip was roped off and worked quite well keeping vehicles off the grass.  Only a small bag of trash was picked up afterwards.




Liability Insurance:

Walter Phillips is in the process of pursuing an insurance company who will offer a quote for liability coverage on our common area where the front Lake Estelle sign is located.  He is still waiting for a response and quote.


Lillie Lane:  Traffic Hazard

Several homeowners expressed concern over a large flatbed trailer parked around the curve in the 7500 block of Lillie Lane (north) which is presenting a dangerous hazard for walkers, bikers, and vehicles.  Andy Andresen and George Levy strongly recommend that as many homeowners as possible call the sheriff’s dispatchers office to complain.  The number is:  850-436-9620.  The more calls they get, the faster they may investigate.


Garage Sale:

Over the past year several homeowners expressed an interest in having a community garage sale.  Anyone interested in organizing this event can contact any of our Board members.  All you need to do is put the information on www.lakeestelle.com website, Pensacola Marketplace, Craigs List, etc. with the date and time, and put up a couple of Garage Sale signs at our front entrance.  You will be reimbursed for the sign purchases.  Spring is the best time for this event and usually draws larger participation and customers.



Spring is soon approaching and is the best time for a picnic.  If anyone is interested in chairing this event, please contact any of our Board members.  In the past, we have had the picnic at the end of Lillie Lane North in the cul-d-sac.  Or another possibility is the open lot on the corner of Sweetheart and Lillie Lanes.



If you haven’t paid your 2023 dues yet, as of February 1st they are now due in the amount of $60.00.





There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.


The next meeting will be held at Coach-N-Four on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, at 7:00 pm (dinner at 5:30 pm for those who wish to eat), unless otherwise noted on our website at www.lakeestelle.com .


Submitted by,


Pegge Phillips, Secretary


2023 - 01-18 MINUTES LEHOA