Minutes from January 12, 2021


Minutes of meeting on January 12, 2021

President:  Stephen Hogarth

Vice President:  Rose Putman

Secretary:  Sharon Gissel

Treasurer:  To be elected

Architectural Comm.:  George Levy



The meeting was called to order via Zoom at 7:05 pm due to Covid-19 by President Stephen Hogarth, who welcomed all members present.  There were six households represented.  No quorum was met.  Members present introduced themselves.


Teresa Moretti, one of our neighbors, has moved to a memory care facility, Waterford at Creekside; 9015 University Parkway; Cottage 5; Pensacola, FL  32514.  She would welcome cards from anyone who knew her.  Terri was very involved for many years with the Association serving several times as President and on various committees.  We thank her for her dedication and wish her well.



Reading of the minutes of October 13, 2020 were waived since they were previously posted on Next Door Lake Estelle.  No corrections were made.  Accepted as published.




TREASURER REPORT:              Beginning Balance:     1/1/21             $10,537.74

Less Expenses:                                                             -  $   378.26

Deposits:                                             $   2,310.00


Ending Balance:          1/31/2021       $12,469.48




ARCHITECTURAL COMM:       Fence Repair:   Temporary fix has been made at the front entrance with the fallen sections repaired by replacing broken posts, installing new stringers, and screwing in reused slats. Slats were alternated to reduce wind load.  Cost was slightly over $1000 for new materials.  George Levy talked with our neighbor on the other side to split the cost but they declined.  As our dues come in, we will reassess this issue and consider full fence replacement.  Two proposals obtained were around $9000 which would not leave enough in the account for other maintenance expenses.


WELCOME COMMITTEE:        Due to Covid-19 Rose Putman will not be welcoming new owners until further notice.




NEW OFFICERS:                      Slate of new officers for 2021 are as follows:


President:                    Andy Andresen

Vice President:            Walter Phillips

Secretary:                    Pegge Phillips

Treasurer:                   George Levy

Architect Comm.         Open – to be elected


Rose Putman has resigned her position as Welcome Committee Chair.  We thank her at this time for all the years she has dedicated herself to this position, as well as other positions and committees.  Eventually, after COVID winds down, this committee will resume and need a chair person.




AUDIT COMMITTEE:               Three members are required for the audit.  So far we have two:  George Levy and Walter Phillips.  If you can volunteer, please call Walter at 941-0892, as this needs to be completed before our next meeting.  It only takes about an hour.


NEW BUSINESS:                      Due to the ongoing COVID virus, we will not be holding a community garage sale this spring.


There being no further business, Stephen Hogarth made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Pegge Phillips 2nd.  Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.


NEXT MEETING:                      Next meeting will be held on Zoom on April 13, at 7:00 PM, if COVID-19 is still active.  If the situation changes, venue of next meeting will be posted in Next Door Lake Estelle.



Respectfully submitted,


Pegge Phillips, Secretary