2023 April Minutes


Minutes of meeting on April 12, 2023

President:  Andy Andresen, 563-505-8956

Vice President:  Walter Phillips, 850-941-0892

Secretary:  Pegge Phillips, 850-941-0892

Treasurer:  George Levy, 850-607-6261

Architectural Control Committee:  George Levy, Temporary Acting Chair


Committee Chairs:


Welcome/Brevement:  Beth Swanson

Decorations:  Larry & Linda Hixon, and Carlotta Majewski


Committee Chairs still needed:



Yard Sale:

Architectural Control Committee:




The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by President Andy Andresen at Coach-N-Four restaurant.  Meeting was attended by four Homeowners.




Motion was made to waive reading of the January 18, 2023 meeting minutes by Walter Phillips, second by Andy Andresen.  They can be found online at www.lakeestellecom.




Treasurer’s First Quarter 2022 Summary Report:

$12,559.93      Beginning Balance       01/01/2023

+   2,450.00      Deposits

-       745.09      Less Expenses


$14,264.84      Ending Balance             03/31/2023  (End of First Quarter)




We have a new mowing crew for the front entrance to Lake Estelle.  They are the same service that mows the HCA doctor office on the corner.  No contract, $250 a month, mows weekly.  Over the winter months, every two weeks (November through March).


Vice President Report:  No report.


Architectural Committee:  No report.  (Member absent)


Welcome/Brevement Committee:  No report.


Decoration Committee:   No report.  (Committee Chairpersons absent)

Volunteers:  We still need a few more Chairs to be filled:  Beautification Committee, Yard Sale Committee and Architectural Committee.  Please consider volunteering for one of these positions.  They take very little of your time.




Front Entrance Sign Repair:

Number one priority is the painting of the front entrance sign.  Since we have no volunteers, we are securing bids.  The paint color will be as close to the existing color as the paint store can come.  This should be completed prior to the next HOA meeting.


Fence and Trees along front entrance:

Cutting the roots that protrude over the grass and compromising the fence base in some areas along with tree trimming and debris removal is out for bid.  We have one quote and are waiting for a couple others.  We will discuss how to proceed at our next meeting.  Meanwhile, FPL is to look at the large trees in the power lines.


R.V. Park: 

Tabled due to no interest.


Trailer Parking Hazard on Lillie Lane:

Homeowners please call Escambia County Code Enforcement to complain at 850-436-5500 and/or also call Escambia County Sheriff Dispatch office at 850-436-9620.  The pick-up truck towing a large flatbed trailer parks around the curve turning left on Lillie Lane from Sweetheart, and it is very dangerous and only a matter of time before there is an accident.  The more people that call the more apt someone will respond.  “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”




Liability Insurance: 

Walter Phillips was unable to obtain an insurance quote for the strip of common area where the front Lake Estelle sign is located.  They are not interested in writing insurance for such a small area.



If you haven’t paid your 2023 dues yet, they are $60.00 and were due January 1, 2023.


At our next meeting we will be soliciting new Officers for our Board to take over these positions beginning with the close of our October meeting.   All the present Board members two term limit has expired.




There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.


The next meeting location is to be determined.  It will be published soon at www.lakeestelle.com


Submitted by,


Pegge Phillips, Secretary


2023 - 04-12 MINUTES LEHOA